
Permalink 12:41:04 pm, Categories: Bitch Slap!

The Westboro Baptist Church Hates Fags (esp. Swedish ones)

I try not to smoke, myself, but this is what religion can do to people. Some people can't handle their own delusions, and this pastorale SOB is one of them.

Your God can reclaim Uranus and sop it up til hell freezes over. No need to worry, though. Such demons are only in your mind.

Without people like me and he, bitches like these wouldn't have anyone to promote and sponsor their short-comings. Bad ideas can only survive through the actions of well-meaning people. The best punishment for ignorant people is just to let them be - give them mind and they will subtract from you. We're all massively ignorant about something. Some of us are just more annoying about our ignorance and stupidity than others.

Anytime I hear "he" in reference to "god", I know I'm talking to The Chosen Brainwashed. When they start talking about gays or 'unwed sex' then it's time for me to jump backwards three times and douse myself in mineral water to cleanse myself of intellemotional filth.

Without reference to Him, this world would be a much better place. There'd be a few billion more of us, but I think we can handle it.

Obviously, the "pastor" Fred Phelps is sexually attracted to Jesus and wants to suck from the lamb's teet. Why does he have a problem with that? I personally don't have a problem with "gay", as long as it's not me whose teet you're trying to suck.

To prove his manliness, he's had 13 children. And he told all of them that Mr. Rogers is in hell right now.

I will personally donate $5,000 to the Westboro Baptist Church, $1,000 towards counseling for all 13 of the Phelps' kids, and apologize in this space for being possessed by Satan herself if Mr. Phelps publicly kisses an image of the God he supposedly loves so much.

How far does his love go?

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