If you have a Yahoo! email account and receive spam from large companies, you're probably out of luck if you are relying on the "Spam" button to cancel out future messages from these entities.
If most other Yahoo users don't click on "Spam" for emails from that sender, your clicking most likely won't work.
I've clicked on "Spam" at least a dozen times for one sender that was obviously spamming me. There are several more from which I continue to receive unsolicited commercial emails. Many large companies spam. That's a fact. Yahoo should do something about this. How many messages do we get from "a trusted sender" that are sent "on behalf of our partners"?
Personalized spam filters, Yahoo? Can you allow me to select 'Spam' for any message that I want to block out the sender in the future? Going into options and selecting the message filters command is not only an inconvenient process (considering how prevalent spam is) but it oftentimes doesn't work no matter how many wildcards I use.
The HNTB spam solution works great. Can't Yahoo think of something similar to reveal senders who cause your email to be spammed?
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