Our dear Canadian neighbors at Ludicorp have struck web gold with their new photo-networking service, Flickr.
Too bad they dropped the ball on their massive multiplayer Game Neverending. It had a certain charm I hadn't found since the early (really early) days of the net. A real people place.
They also dropped mention of the project from their corporate website, so I'm assuming they're not going to pick it up again now that they're flush with cash. GNE does have a page on Flickr, however. (Who the hell thought of the name, Flickr? Obviously not the same person who thought of Ludicorp.. I have to think about it twice every time I type it. From now on I'll just say "FKR" for short. The name sucks. [Yes it does, bitch!])
I propose all of the hundreds of Game Neverending fans scattered around the globe storm the gates of Ludicorp to proclaim the infinite game undead. We'll buy it out from Ludicorp for the token sum of $1 and then we'll find a way to turn a profit. Maybe McDonalds will want to stay competitive and open up shop in the game and we'll all save up money to buy objects by flipping in-game burgers and such. It's all about synergy.
I hope Stewart (nice guy, by the way.. no time for love, though) and his are thrown lots of clean money to roll around naked in.
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