
Permalink 10:01:36 pm, Categories: Spam, Yahoo, Google

Google + Yahoo! = Google and Yahoo! (Or GooHoo? WTF!)

Look for Google to work out a deal with Yahoo! in the next 2 weeks.

What am I, crazy? (Fundamentally, yes.)

A partnership will be monumental. It will be the biggest internet-related story since Netscape. Momentum... check! Enthusiasm and coverage... check! New technology via collaboration... check! It's the only way the next internet will be born on a mass scale (and thus, the only way either of them can survive the next 5-10 years).

Permalink 09:40:58 pm, Categories: Spam, Bitch Slap!

Deleterious Fuzz.. Murderous Rampage... Scrambled eggs!

Awesome.. here's one way to rid the world of lots of people. Kill 'em all! The Pope's tomb will soon be open to tourists. Fuckers hold nothing sacred. If they're doing it the true Italian way, they will charge an admission fee. What else to do with a church that's quickly losing relevance in modern society? Milk it for what it's worth. Perhaps the next black Pope will bring the soul back to the church. People are funny. Lexis/Nexis has enabled quasi-public access to their massive database of consumer names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, criminal records, and other juicy details for years. If you worked in a law office, accounting office, or any other office with access you could literally find out anything on anyone. I have discovered that most people don't give a shit about much of anything. They have never learned how to use their brains. Sad. Somebody is too damn lazy to fix "the lazyweb". Get off your ass and stop the horde of blank posts. Yeah, but people are still too polite to take a shit while talking on the phone. Really, I'd rather hear a strange echo than listen to you breathing heavily, sweat dripping all down over the receiver. Would Jackson please kill himself already? That's the story we're all waiting for. Are they fucking suprised? Idiots. I'm actually hoping that one and the Lake Toba supervolcano will go off shortly. Perhaps then we'll all stop Ok. So the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sucks. So what? It's not your movie to begin with. Come up with your own damn work of art. So now the bitch is a prolific Amazon affiliate. At least the books don't suck like the website. Funny, people still want to kiss his ass. Or, is it shock from being raped? Where's my porn podcast? I wouldn't listen to any of it but it's the only way internet technologies will rapidly evolve - cause people are more enthusiastic about having an orgasm than improving the internet landscape for the sake of it. (Fucking web elitists.) You actually read this shit? Do you expect me to wipe your ass and cook your dinner? Get off the fucking internet and go outside before they close it down! You don't want to be like these dumbfucks who think being on the web is an obligation. You'll still be cool if you don't know what's going on this very second.
Permalink 09:14:42 pm, Categories: Internet & Technology, Google

delicious not so delicious for Google

March 26: HNTB mentions that Google is working out a deal with delicious.

March 29: The guy running delicious announces "outside investment" for the first time but doesn't mention specifics

April 10: The list of investors is revealed

Google either didn't end up investing in it or is hiding behind one of the investment partners just to spite HNTB. (Like they even give a fuck about my blog.) Either way, they lost out. I would have swallowed the thing whole.

However, the fact that Amazon is on the list is interesting.

Union Square Ventures leads the investment group, and the other members are Amazon.com, Marc Andreessen, BV Capital, Esther Dyson, Seth Goldstein, Josh Koppelman, Howard Morgan, Tim O'Reilly, and Bob Young.

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