
Permalink 11:40:53 am, Categories: Spam

"Happy Birthday" Copyright Infringement

One solution to the 'Happy Birthday' copyright.

Sing it in Spanish.

?Feliz cumplea?os a t?!
?Feliz cumplea?os a t?!
?Feliz cumplea?os a ......!
?Feliz cumplea?os a t?!

and if the federalis bust down your door and hassle you for a bribe and your virgin wife is out blowing someone else, try this version on them...

? Cumplea?os feliz!
? Cumplea?os feliz!
? Cumplea?os feliz!
? Cumplea?os feliz!

That's right.. sing the song backwards!

Or, just give ASSCAP your middle finger like we all do with every other song.

Here's the history behind the song.

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